Welcome to Year 5
Year 5 is taught by Mrs Willett Monday-Wednesday and Mrs Duffy Thursday-Friday.
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Pilkington.
On this page you will be able to find out what class projects and activities Year 5 have been and are currently working on. Look out for important information too!
Autumn Term 2024
Our PE days are Monday and Friday and children are required to wear the correct PE kit into school on those days.
Maths - homework will be handed out weekly on a Wednesday and should be returned by the following Tuesday.
All children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12 for quick recall. Where this is not the case, any home support is appreciated. Children can access Times Table Rock Stars to aid with this.
Spellings - These will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.
Reading - Your child has access to books from our library matching their own reading comprehension level. Listening to your child read as often as possible helps them to develop a love of reading and a willingness to read for pleasure. Please use their yellow reading record to communicate about reading, signing when they read at home. Children can now also quiz at home. Please see our Accelerated Reader page under Curriculum.
Subject - additional learning is encourage and one activity from any current Year 5 curriculum subject, or in-line with those activities, can be completed weekly and shared every Wednesday.